Note: the English version of this post can be found here.
Le jour où vous vous rendez pour la première fois dans un espace ou sur plage naturiste, vous entrez dans un Nouveau Monde de liberté et de respect. Cependant, vous ne savez peut-être pas encore que la nudité peut devenir votre nouvelle norme. Dès que la nudité devient votre premier choix de vêtements, votre norme change. Les vêtements ne sont plus nécessaires, sauf pour la protection, son premier et principal objectif. La nudité est alors votre nouvelle normalité.
Devenir naturiste
Beaucoup de néo naturistes deviendront éventuellement des naturistes à vie. Chaque naturiste parlera de ce merveilleux sentiment de liberté, dès que vous comprendrez que personne ne se soucie de votre apparence. La nudité devient donc un état accepté. Généralement, c’est à ce moment que vous commencez à cesser de penser à être nu. Vous profitez juste du moment, sans vêtements.
Bien sûr, le temps viendra où vous devrez vous rhabiller. Un certain niveau de tristesse vous envahira alors que vous quitterez ce merveilleux état de liberté. Rapidement, si le temps et la sécurité le permettent, vous ressentirez le besoin de vous déshabiller à nouveau. Cela pourrait être chez vous, dans votre jardin ou dans tout autre endroit où la nudité sera acceptée.
Après quelques jours ou semaines, vous vous sentirez immensément mieux entièrement nu qu’avec n’importe quelle forme de vêtement, même légère et petite. C’est le moment que j’appelle la nouvelle normalité. Votre nudité semblera naturelle, simple, une vraie évidence. Jusqu’à un point où vous ressentirez le besoin de partager cela avec vos amis et votre famille. C’est aussi le moment où vous voudrez avoir quelques livres sur le naturisme pour en savoir plus, vous abonner à des magazines naturistes et les laisser sur votre table basse, ou tout simplement demander à vos amis de vous rejoindre dans votre vie naturiste.
La nouvelle normalité
Votre nouvelle normalité sera le début d’une merveilleuse vie naturiste. Le naturisme est, à mon humble avis, le mode de vie le plus merveilleux qui soit. Les niveaux de liberté, d’amitié et de simplicité sont tout simplement inégalés.
La seule mise en garde est que les naturistes sont toujours une minorité et le naturisme n’est pas largement accepté. Cependant, il grandit avec les fédérations naturistes et des associations comme l’APNEL, qui se bat pour la tolérance à la nudité sociale en dehors des lieux naturistes fermés. De plus en plus de personnes sont ainsi exposées à la nudité non sexuelle.
Quatre actions à entreprendre pour tous les naturistes :
- Devenez membre de votre fédération naturiste et/ou d’un club naturiste.
- Partagez avec vos amis et à votre famille votre style de vie, il n’y a aucune honte à être naturiste et rien à cacher (littéralement).
- Soyez nu autant que possible, y compris à la maison, à la plage, lors de randonnées, et partout où la nudité sociale non sexuelle est autorisée.
- Participez à des événements nus lorsque cela est possible, comme la World Naked Bike Ride.
Il faudra peut-être un autre siècle pour pouvoir choisir la nudité comme une option vestimentaire possible, mais j’espère que nous y arriverons et que les générations futures pourront librement choisir d’être nues quand et où elles voudront.
Essayez le naturisme et vous découvrirez un Nouveau Monde, où la nudité deviendra bientôt votre nouvelle normalité.
Dénudez-vous, restez nu, vivez nu et partagez l’amour du naturisme !
Photo by Ikon Republik from Pexels
We enjoy it daily and encourage or friends to join us regularly.
Thx for your comments. Do you stay naked when non naturists visit you?
Yes we have tried to stay nude when some of our friends drop by for a visit. However they have expressed to us they do not want to see us nude, especially my husband and his genitals, which I find very sad.
Ich bin auch bei jeder Gelegenheit : nackend .
For the non German readers, Klaus wrote: « I’m also naked on every occasion. » Thank you Klaus for passing by and leaving a trace.
I would just say except us for who we are, if we can’t be natural don’t bother visiting us!
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Cool post! Naked hugs!
Thx. Have a great naked day!
Same to you! 🙂
« The new normal » describes it very well.
And with any luck you’ll avoid getting arrested 🙂
Nudity is great, and so is « free the nipple » but don’t confuse them. Free the nipple is just about equality, not nudity. Topfree women are no more nude than barechested men.
100% with you Jim. Thank you for your clarification.
Bel endroit pour se promener nu
Originally, nudity was the norm. For tens of thousands of years humans were nude before clothes were created for warmth, decoration or social status. Cultures and religions made nudity shameful or sinful. It’s always been normal in some cultures, subcultures and families. It is normal once people overcome their conditioning that it is bad. Females are conditioned to wear make-up and certain style of clothes to look good. Nudity may never become normal everywhere because of the clothing industry, religions, etc. reenforcing the idea that it is unacceptable.
What should I do naked when I am in my bed room naked
Have enjoyed the nudist lifestyle for over have my life. I sadly have to dress occasionally.
It will take a long time for the culture to change. We need to proceed slowly. First there needs to be clothes free zones in large cities as there is in Paris. Second, there needs to be universal (all States) female top freedom.
Thank you for your comment John. I agree, this will take time. This starts with each of us, naturists, to promote and advocate social nudity.
Ich suche FKK Am See NRW Deutschland
Me and my wife are going to a nudist camp for the first time this year. I am 56 and my wife is 54 are feelings are a little up and down but cant wait to go
All the best Rob. I’m sure you’ll have a blast. Keep us informed on how it goes.
At age 47, I went for the first time last June. I loved it and am now a member of a nudist camp. Hope you goes well for you…I’d love to hear about your first experience.
Love this lifestyle as well
Wish there were more places near ne.
Sehr gut
It’s away of life I’d love to try
015771037733 whatsApp
As a famous sports brand says, just do it! You will not regret it, it’s awesome.
Love the freedom
so very true
Thank you for coming by Jerry and leaving a trace.
I discovered outdoor/social nudity at the beginning of this past summer. Hiking, swimming, and just plain relaxing under the sun with other like minded folks has been one of the most positive, liberating, stress relieving things I’ve ever done! It didn’t take long for me to reach the point where it felt natural and I could just enjoy the moment.
Thank you for sharing your experience Rick and reading that you embraced naturism so fast! All the best with the awesome lifestyle. Stay naked!
My girlfriend and I were in Orlando on vacation and decided on a whim to go to a nudist beach which turned out to be located inside an actual nudist community with people who actually lived and raised their families there… it was extremely enlightening and easily the best time either one of had ever had really liberating to just be free without fear of judgement can’t wait to go back really want to learn and experience more
Thumbs up! Enjoy your next nakation and share the lifestyle with others. The more we are, the stronger the community!
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unfortunately where I live its at least an hour and a half or more to any place that I can be nude at other then at home. I’m over 70 now and would just love to experience the freedom before I meet my maker.
Don’t worry Barry; stay naked at takes 20 years off your life!! I walk around all day naked in the house and in my back yard with a fantastic « woody » that’s close to 7 inches long. Have Fun…Ralph J. Charette 414-388-7303 Germantown, Wisconsin 53022
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My sweetheart and I just did a 5-day cruise, including an island stop during which I was naked for the day — in the Bahamas! Most comfortable vacation ever!
Thanks for sharing your experience! Hope you’ll be able to enjoy more nakations in the future!
I truly dislike feeling the need to be textile due to other people being unable to control their discomfort, or their being offended (unable to control their emotions). I would love nothing more than the right to be nude on my own property without the expense of visual barriers and on public lands that my tax dollars support.
Thanks Dave for your comment which I support 100%. Respect should goes both ways… way to go!
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Ein schöner Beitrag und genau meine Einstellung. Leider lebe ich meine Leidenschaft alleine aus. Meine Frau traut sich nicht.
In English for the non German readers: « A nice post and exactly my attitude. Unfortunately, I live out my passion on my own. My Wife doesn’t dare. »
Vielen Danke Ralf!
Clothing no longer feels normal to me. When it is warm enough, and there is no need to leave the house, I can go days without getting dressed. It was during one of those periods that I once checked my mail in mid-afternoon and suddenly realized that I forgot I was naked. Nobody saw me, but I do try harder to avoid that (I do not live in a nudist resort – yet). You’re right, there is a slight feeling of sadness when I need to put clothes on for any reason besides protection.
All of our friends and family are aware that we’re nudists/naturists. Only one couple has joined us from time to time and we sometimes enjoy nude fishing on their boat. We got new neighbors on either side of our house and I notified them that we are often nude in the back yard. Both stated they are fine with it and have proven good for their word. Too bad they don’t participate 🙁
There is always a TNS and/or AANR magazine around the house. I have left an AANR magazine in a dentist’s office (I need to do that more often and leave them in more places).
Speaking about religion and nudity, i had a surprise Yesterday. I went to a nude beach and in the parking lot was the bus from our church,A big blue bus with the church name and phone number on the side . Around 60 from our church were sunning and swimming nude,We all had a great time and had a beach BBQ in the evening. I got invited to the next get together after finding out i was also a naturist
I want to join your church !! The Nudist Church of the Living God!!
Very interesting.. Compliments
I’ve been a nudist my whole life. For twenty years my wife and I helped run a family park in Washington state.
Now since we moved to California the wife feels she does not have the body for a nudist park. Such a waste of my naked life, If we had a « Family » nudist park in San Luis Obispo, Ca I would go but there really is not a place to my liking for over 200 miles North or South of hear. I miss the friends I could be making
We enjoy being nudists and are proud to share our nudity with friends.
Jan&Gary ?